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To live in a human body is a great and wonderful adventure of epic proportions.

You are a living, breathing creature in constant contact with vast external and internal ecosystems, changing at every moment.

After decades of study and experience in body-mind-spirit disciplines such as yoga, dance, meditation, martial arts, energy work, bodywork, EDGU, and more, I am delighted to share key insights and practices to add more vitality and joy to your life. 

I distill this wisdom into a set of mindful movement practices that I call AEDGU ("edge-you").

A=Awareness, Alignment, Anatomy
E=Exploration, Ecology, Energize, Evolve
D=Delight, Dantien, Diaphragm, Dance
G=Grounding, Gliding, Geology, Geometry
U=Unwinding, Union, Universal Flow

Stay tuned for lessons and exercises to enhance your life's journey, find more ease and pleasure in your body, and pulse with the vibrancy of a living creature in tune with its environment.  

Explore and discover how amazing you truly are !


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The Origin of AEDGU

In 2009, I was fortunate enough to spend an extended period of time at the Breitenbush Hot Springs, learning a movement practice called EDGU from Page Redman. Page developed EDGU from the practices he used to heal from a severe spinal injury and maintain his overall health and wellbeing for years after. The practices evolved into a set of movements that has been offered to all guests as part of the Daily Well Being program at the Breitenbush Hot Springs for several decades. Page encouraged his students from the EDGU Teacher Intensive to make the practice their own and share it with others. AEDGU is that offering. 

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